bcbc kIDS!
6:30PM bcbc CLASSES

Revelation Bible study this winter. Monday @ 6 pm.

10:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship Service

Sunday Evening Classes - 6:00pm

Wednesday Midweek Service - 6:30pm in the Sanctuary
6:30pm - Youth

If you are unable to attend services, we have online services each Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening.

You may view us online at
You Tube
services are also available on Facebook.
The services are also archived and may be viewed at a later time.

If you do not have internet capabilities we can provide a copy of the Sunday morning services on DVD.  If you do not have a DVD player we can provide you one at no cost to you. Please call the church office to request a copy of services.

Sunday Evening Classes: Meet at 6:00pm 
Children Classes - meet at 6:00pm
Youth Classes  - meet at 6pm
Wednesday Evening Classes for Children & Youth
6:30- 7:30pm
Teachers and workers are still needed for these classes.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Dale Buchanan.

School Zone Challenge

Every time you see a school zone, use it as a prayer zone to pray for students, teachers, administrators and anyone else that impacts the lives of STUDENTS!


Our Building Fund Offering will be received on the first Sunday of the month. Building Fund Envelopes are in the Sunday School Office and in the pews.
What a wonderful opportunity this is to be able to give back to the Lord in furthering His Kingdom!

Brotherhood Breakfast & Fellowship

Date: TBD
Ladies are invited to join us for this time of fellowship and a brief devotion. Men will be cooking.

Time: 8:00am
Location: Fellowship Hall
Cooks need to be at the church by 7:00am.

Deacon's Meeting

Date:  Every Sunday Morning
Time:  9:30 am

Pray for our Deacons!


Please remember to call, visit & pray for our shut-ins & homebound.

Online Giving Now Available

Online giving to Bear Creek Baptist Church is available on the Give page of this website or on the app version.  Both of these options are secure.

To give through this we site simple go to the Give tab and follow the instructions on the bottom right portion of the page.

To access the app version simply go to http://secure.subsplash.com/ui/.access/TF7T8B

If you would like to mail your tithe to the church, the address is
Bear Creek Baptist Church
327 Bear Creek Church Road
Bakersville, NC 28705
and of course, your tithe may be given during our Sunday morning worship services.

Your Tithes and Offerings make the ministry of Bear Creek Baptist Church possible. Thank you!

Nursery workers are needed 

If you would like to volunteer to stay in the Nursery with our little folks, please contact Lydia Parker.

Date: 2nd Wednesday of each month
Time:  6:30pm

Celebrate Recovery

Every Thursday
Meal: 6:15pm
Worship: 6:45pm
Small Groups: 8:00pm
CR Seekers Sunday School
Sunday Morning: 10am in the *FELLOWSHIP HALL* 

For more information contact  Josh Wise, 828-385-0061

Meal Schedule

** Please plan to serve around 50 people

Sewing Seeds of God's Love
Sewing Seeds is a grassroots, non-profit ministry connected to Samaritan's Purse's World Medical Missions Division.

We make simple dresses for girls and women, and shorts for boys which are being distributed by Samaritan's Purse during their medical mission trips around the world.

If you have the gift of sewing and/or a heart for this type of ministry, we invite you to join us.  We need volunteers to pray for the recipients, cut out patterns, donations of cottons or cotton-blend fabric, threads, extra wide double fold bias tapes, one inch elastic, all sizes colorful buttons.  We need volunteers to cut out patterns and to sew.

Volunteers sewing for the ministry will be given patterns as well as instructions when needed.  If you would like to sew but are unable to provide fabrics and bias tape, we will provide them for you as supplies are available.

Volunteers are needed to pray for the recipients, cut out the patterns, sew

Times are:
Sewing Seeds Workshop: Saturday  10-12 pm. Lunch and devotion to follow.

For more information contact:
Sherry Bartlett
Sheila Speight
